Some helpful information in response the current Bushfire Crisis
As part of the Uniting Church response Uniting Vic/Tas is already engaged in many areas where the bushfires have struck and will continue be part of the response and recovery effort for the months ahead. To help meet gaps already identified and to enable longer term relief and recovery they have launched a Uniting Bushfire Appeal, which we urge you to support.
You can find the appeal at
Uniting Church Appeal or call 1800 668 426.
Other Financial ways to help
- Australian Red Cross Disaster Recovery and Relief
- Salvation Army Disaster Appeal
- St Vincent de Paul Society Bushfire Appeal
- Support the Country Fire Authority with the great work that they do.
- Support Gippsland Emergency Relief Fund for assistance specific to the Gippsland area.
- Support the thousands upon thousands of injured or displaced wildlife here, here or here. Channel your feelings of helplessness, anxiety or overwhelm into donating or volunteering.
There have been some incredibly inspiring people taking the lead on volunteering like this woman and these women.
Here are some more links that you might find helpful.
This is by no means a conclusive list. Forgive us if we have missed any important links and feel free to get in touch to let us know of anything we could add here to the list.
Ways to help
- Buy goods from affected rural communities
- Hold a fundraiser to raise money for a cause
- Become an emergency volunteer
- Donate blood
- Visit the affected communities once it’s safe to support tourism – check out this great campaign “Empty Esky”
- Help farmers to rebuild through BlazeAid
- Train with the Red Cross to become a volunteer
- Join the Animal Rescue Craft Guide to create crafts for wildlife in need